Ketua jabatan boleh menentukan cara-cara giliran tinggal di atas panggilan untuk kepentingan perkhidmatan atau kepentingan awam. - Apabila seseorang itu diarahkan membuat perjalanan, maka dia hendaklah dianggap sebagai menjalankan tugas rasminya. Tidak layak bayaran lebih masa.
May 16, 2018 The Labour Department with assistance from expert trainers from the Tripartite Alliance on Dispute Management (TADM), Singapore, held a workshop on 'Manpower Management and Employment Dispute Resolution Approaches' on May 14-15. The workshop was held at the Tripartite Hall of the Labour Department Headquarters. 40 officers and staff from the Law Enforcement Division and Branch had participated in the three day workshop which was officiated by the Acting Commissioner of Labour, Awg Muhammad Saufi bin Haji Ibrahim. Welcoming remarks were also delivered by Awg Zulhilmli bin Haji Abidin, Head of the Labour Enforcement Division.