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Daftar Pustaka Sugiyono 2009
Taken (Sugiyono, 2009:142; Lincoln and Guba, cited in Moleong, 2004:135). It is in line with Sugiyono (2009:142) who states “questionnaire is a data collection technique by proposing some questions or written questions to the participants to be answered”. Toni braxton and birdman married. Consumer Behavior In Selecting Retail Format: The Perspective. (Sugiyono, 2009). Dhoom 2 full movie download for mobile hd. Interview was conducted individually for one up to two hours in ten days. Menurut Sugiyono (2009:172) bahwa valid berarti instrumen tersebut dapat digunakan untuk mengukur apa yang seharusnya diukur. Valid menunjukan derajat ketepatan antara data yang sesungguhnya terjadi pada objek dengan data yang dapat dikumpulkan oleh peneliti.